Rajaram Title Track Lyrics
Tum hi palanhar ho
Hum sabke sahare ho
Sabka kast mitane wale
Hamri bich bana rahe ho
Har yug yug mein amar hai tero naam
Jai shree ram jai shree ram
Jai shree ram rajaram
Jai shree ram jai shree ram
Jai shree ram rajaram.
Rajaram Title Track Song Credits
LyricshubX FAQs
Who are the singers of the song “Rajaram Title Track” ?
The talented Ayush Anand lend their voice to the song “Rajaram Title Track”.
Who is the music composer for “Rajaram Title Track”?
The music for “Aao Ram Ji” is composed by ItsKrishna Bedardi.
Who penned the lyrics for “Rajaram Title Track“?
The lyrics for “Rajaram Title Track” are written by Krishna Bedardi.
Who are the featured artists in the music video of “Rajaram Title Track”?
Khesari Lal Yadav & Sapna Chauhan featured in the music video of “Rajaram Title Track”.
Under which label was “Rajaram Title Track” released?
“Rajaram Title Track” is released under the label Saregama Hum Bhojpuri.
Rajaram Title Track Exploration
Discover the enchanting lyrics of “Rajaram Title Track Lyrics” on Lyricshubx.com, where each verse unfolds like petals of a delicate flower, revealing the essence of love in its purest form. dive into the depths of emotion as you explore the heartfelt words and captivating melody of this timeless song. Let Lyricshubx.com be your guide on a journey through the intricacies of “Rajaram Title Track Lyrics” where every line resonates with the universal language of the heart.