Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev Lyrics
jode jode falwa
suraj dev ghatwa pe
diyva ki chadawele ho
jode jode falwa
suraj dev ghatwa pe
diyva ki chadawale ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
sitali bayariya
sital duje paniya
kabe deb devta tu
akirar suniya
sitali bayariya
sital duje paniya
kabe deb devta tu
akirar suniya
jode jode supwa
adit dev ghatwa pe
diyva ki chadawele ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
bhukli saririya
sajan subhey manwa
kurubey lagan baruwey
sabke dhiyanwa
bhukli saririya
sajan subhey manwa
kurubey lagan baruwey
sabke dhiyanwa
jode jode dwaura
dinanath ghatwa pe
diyva ki chadawele ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
binaya bihari likhle
mayi ke bhajanwa
gaveyli palak beti
dhahi ke dhiyanwa
binaya bihari likhle
mayi ke bhajanwa
gaveyli palak beti
dhahi ke dhiyanwa
jode jode piyari
ganga mayiya ghatwa pe
diyva ki chadawele ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho
jal bich khara hoi darshan la
aasara lagawe le ho.
Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev Song Credits
LyricshubX FAQs
Who are the singers of the song “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev”?
The talented “Palak Muchhal, Pawan Singh lend their voice to the song Jode “Jode Falwa Suruj Dev”.
Who is the music composer for “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev”?
The music for “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev” is composed by Its Ajeet Singh, Anjani Ramagya.
Who penned the lyrics for “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev ”?
The lyrics for “Vinay Bihari” are written by Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev .
Who are the featured artists in the music video of “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev”?
Palak, Pawan Singh featured in the music video of “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev”.
Under which label was “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev” released?
“Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev” is released under the label T-Series Hamaar Bhojpuri.
Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev Exploration
Discover the enchanting lyrics of “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev Lyrics” on, where each verse unfolds like petals of a delicate flower, revealing the essence of love in its purest form. dive into the depths of emotion as you explore the heartfelt words and captivating melody of this timeless song. Let be your guide on a journey through the intricacies of “Jode Jode Falwa Suruj Dev Lyrics” where every line resonates with the universal language of the heart.