Bronco Lyrics
Na samjhe filma aale gunde athre pind
Saade de munde kire patna deni kunde jeep da
Lal baari jaan na pa bayara ka di laali yaari
Jaan na pa bayara ka
Laliya raale gale pag vat var je de tavir nuk
De kan rahan khade de paar rahan chade sapaa de
Fanaa wangu muchha rehya taan nahi rab de pane
Vich reh ke maani rataan nahi chhaati maare chaati
Pai bulletproof ch dare aasmaan tere jat di
Bandook to gaisi ute pair fair k sunroof ch kar
Asmaan tere jat di bandook to yaan paave nan
Aakad khaa pane fee man nasha pata na mane kada
Tar dhana jane mag vich maut rakhe tun tun
Ke ve jatta chaandi de rupe wanga na tan keve
Jatta rate alaae pana hai chan chan keve jatta
Terte alaae pana hai chun chun ke kaat ghat de
Mele lut pairi jodi mah bhootan da mit aa vaat
Lage bhali gadi roota da saal nahi di sadka na
Bhai inch der kude pala chaada dooja yaari
teeja na koi bal
Kude laaya b kote pada fire kak jo dare
Asmaan tere jat da bandook to gas ute pair fark
sunroof dar asmaan tere bandook
Ton te boo yaar chaklo chaklo karne da ke uth ke
Goli talo talo kar dene sar kha la
Ta nahi ri bachlo bachlo karnera chaacha
Jin jaani ta jaano pyaari
Paara kaali laal yaari ki lani jaanani ta jaano
Pyaari jaanan para laaya ja jaan pa.
Bronco Song Credits
LyricshubX FAQs
Who are the singers of the song “Bronco” ?
The talented Vseer & Deepak Dhillon lend their voice to the song “Bronco”.
Who is the music composer for “Bronco”?
The music for “Bronco” is composed by Its Vseer & Deep Jandu.
Who penned the lyrics for “Bronco“?
The lyrics for “Bronco” are written by Vseer.
Who are the featured artists in the music video of “Bronco”?
Vseer & Deepak Dhillon featured in the music video of “Bronco”.
Under which label was “Bronco” released?
“Bronco” is released under the label Desi Junction.
Bronco Exploration
Discover the enchanting lyrics of “Bronco Lyrics” on, where each verse unfolds like petals of a delicate flower, revealing the essence of love in its purest form. dive into the depths of emotion as you explore the heartfelt words and captivating melody of this timeless song. Let be your guide on a journey through the intricacies of “Bronco Lyrics” where every line resonates with the universal language of the heart.